Our Process and Strategy

Process to Action
Capital Area Justice Ministry’s Processes for Building Power
To build power for justice, member congregations in the Capital Area Justice Ministry will engage and grow Justice Ministry Networks through three annual processes: Listening, Research-to-Action, and Investment Drive.
Listening Process (Fall) – house meetings, teams assemblies
Research to Action (Fall – Spring) – training, research meetings, teams assembly, rally, and Nehemiah Action
Investment Drive (Summer) – training, corporate visits, celebration, teams assembly
Listening Process: Team members build and strengthen Justice Ministry Networks and identify community problems through house meetings and one-on-ones. Then Network members vote on priorities and elect officers at the House Meeting Assembly.
Research-to-Action: Leaders research and identify solutions to the problems chosen in the listening process, while strengthening and exercising their Networks to secure commitments from decision makers at our Nehemiah Action.
Investment Drive: Leaders build the movement’s self-sufficiency and members’ ownership by inviting Network members to invest in Capital Area Justice Ministry.